A year of natural styles

- -  First twist out - Just post big chop, Jan 2016 The extent of my puff - early April Kinky twists - Late April F...


  1. First twist out - Just post big chop, Jan 2016
  2. The extent of my puff - early April
  3. Kinky twists - Late April
  4. Flexirod set - May
  5.  Long box braids - Summer/Autumn
  6.  Jumbo box braids - Autumn/Winter
  7. Actual puff these days -  December
  8.  Wash and go - Now! Jan 2017
And from the first to last photos, you can see how much my hair has grown from a twist out to a stretched wash and go in the same style! Obviously, I had more 'dos than this, but it was generally a puff which has become closer and closer to being a 'pony'. And recently, I have switched to styles that look like the May one, but are exclusively Curlformer sets, whereas this was a failed flat iron turned flexirod set. The day I no longer have to stretch the band to breaking limits to capture all the short sections of hair will be a good day. Also, as my hair gets longer, I am reverting to the styles I loved when I was relaxed. My hair is just long enough for Bantu knots and that was a previous staple, as were Curlformers. I just have to do updos more, as my hair doesn't really hang, even when stretched. Here's to nailing down my faves in 2017.

xx Lam

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