dry hair
hair musings
so lazy sigh
Where did I go?
Monday, July 07, 2014
Been here the whole time...! Life's been very hectic - I finished uni for the year (just three to go) as well as some other important milestones - and I've also been pretty apathetic about hair. My hair doesn't seem to be holding onto moisture well at the moment, but that could be attributed to my lack of moisturising in between wash days. I used to do it diligently but for the last month I've been drastically slacking. I've been doing a lot of mid week deep conditions to try and combat that, but it's not the same and also creates the problem of more manipulation and tangles from wet hair.
Well, I'm relaxing tomorrow at 20 weeks post (officially my longest stretch) and I'm hoping that it's going to be the day for my first texlax! If not, then I will seriously consider ditching the salon and going it fully D.I.Y. from now on. My goals for the next month after relaxing are to try out flexirods and then go back to my old staple of braids for August (as I'll be in Korea and Japan for that month and I have no time for involved hair care).
I'm a little worried because my hair is just so thin looking. I hope that it's from new growth shrinkage and not breakage (which I've definitely seen a fair bit of recently) from my neglect.
So fingers crossed and see you after tomorrow...