hair musings
Friday, September 05, 2014
Was trying to be Ariana Grande but I think I got the wrong side of my face...
The past month has been nearly internet free for me! Well apart from updating insta and facebook with random snaps. But I didn't look at a single blog while I was in South Korea and then Japan and I wanted to catch up with everyone's posts before I jumped back in! Alas, I could not keep my curiousity asleep. I have around 100 blog posts and a looad of videos (missed Naptural85 way too much) left.
The style I kept them in for nearly the whole time
I also had some health problems that necessitated hospital visits the week before I was due to go but luckily, it didn't impact my travels (although the lumbar puncture was quite uncomfortable...). I was glad to have put my hair into braids as I didn't have to fuss with it when I couldn't move very well. I installed them myself with a bit of help from my mum at the back (which I will not be asking for again as I'm too much of a hair micromanager now), around 55 braids and it took about 6-7 hours.
My hair was pretty much tortured this trip. I co washed maybe five times while I was away? Washed maybe once? The water was filthy when I finally got the braids out and an urgent protein treatment was very necessary. But I reckon it would have been in even worse condition if I'd had it loose. That heat was no joke and we were hopping from hostel to hostel. Even hour long wash days were out of the question.
Not too bad for a month. This is loose, by the way, not densely packed hair
Braids used to be my staple and they are what maintained my hair at shoulder length with terrible hair care practices. But my regimen doesn't require them anymore and I don't feel they actually give my hair a 'break'. Also, can't believe I'd leave them in for three months!!
The thinness of my ends is driving me craaaaazy. I guess the problem with having around 4 inches of much thicker, healthy (and more recently slightly underprocessed) hair is that the straight ends look gross. I'm getting it cut at the end of the year though, no matter what. I will continue dusting until then.
I'm cognisant of the fact that this post is quite long already, so I'll leave it at that for now!
Lam xx