hair musings
length check
natural hair
8 months post today!
Thursday, August 27, 2015
8 months and exactly 3" of natural hair gives me a growth rate of 4.5" per year. I knew my growth rate was less than the average, but I'm happy with what I've got!
I've a couple of posts in the works that are just waiting on pictures, but can I share a bit of good news? I passed the year! I'm now going into year 5 of 6 of medical school. I was too busy trying to keep my head afloat to concentrate much on hair blogging, much to my chagrin. But here's the progress I made this year summed up in a couple of pictures:
is what 3" of natural, ~4" of texlaxed and ~5" of bonelaxed looks
like... AKA, I look like a mushroom. Who knows what it would be like if I let
it dry unstretched and shrink up! The first 7" of my hair are thick and juicy, so I'm very happy.
So that's it for now, but I'm excited to see where the next 8 months take me!
xx Lam
Congrats on your medical school progress.