Ughhhhh (40 weeks post)

That pretty much sums up how I feel about my transitioning hair at the moment. I've been experimenting with styles a lot - using clip i...

That pretty much sums up how I feel about my transitioning hair at the moment. I've been experimenting with styles a lot - using clip ins (some of which I bleached a pinkish colour, post upcoming) and my new Curlformers. While this has been fun, I've also had my hands in my hair a ridiculous amount. I even took my marley braids out early just to wash my hair and play in it! I've been washing it 2x a week on average (one wash, one co wash), even when I don't need to. And what this does is make me obsess about my stringy, thin ends. And when I obsess, I chop chop chop.

These (older) photos show just how ridiculous my hair looks when it's wet. I'm genuinely thinking about chopping off all the excess (at a salon) and leaving me with around 7" of texlaxed and natural. But I have no idea what that'll look like, ughh. I think the shortest my hair has been is 9", but it was so much thinner then. I could possibly get a tapered semi-fro going on, but I don't know how my texlaxed hair will hold up if the bonelaxed is gone.

I'm going to try my hardest to hold out until Christmas (1 year post) but after that, I know the scissors will be coming out. At the moment, I've got my hair braided up under clip ins (basically a weave but so much easier!) and I hope to leave it alone for at least 2 weeks. Fingers crossed.

Lam xx

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