Length check (the bad, the ugly and goals)

Disclaimer: I'm hella dramatic -  It's not all doom and gloom, stay tuned for my more positive length check post in a day or two!  ...

Disclaimer: I'm hella dramatic - It's not all doom and gloom, stay tuned for my more positive length check post in a day or two! 

I don't know what I was expecting from a 25 week stretch, but it wasn't this, unfortunately. At first look, my hair seems to have not got any longer (i.e. no retained length at the longest layers) since April last year. I'm going to have to check thoroughly when I get batteries for my digital camera, but this wasn't the start to 2015 I was hoping for.



One positive however is that that hideous reverse V in my hair is growing out. In April, it was at the level of the collar of my tshirt and now appears to be at marker 1 on my length check tshirt.

 Small victories...

It also seems like all the hair at the top of my head is way thicker in general. It's definitely been easier to keep that healthy than my annoying dyed (dead) ends. So, what's the plan for 2015? 

  • Moisturise and seal every day concentrating on crown
  • Sleep with hair wrapped every day
  • Deep condition weekly
  • Co wash midweek until it becomes unfeasible (and airdry)
  • Regular protein treatments
  • Evaluate hair at 3 month intervals
  • Avoid ponytails and middle partings (which likely cause/exacerbate the V)
  • No long term protective styles (aka no box braids)
  • Be sooo boring with my hair in general (sorry guys)
  • Make a challenge to grow out the V in my hair by year's end
  • Maintain hair at APL until issues are sorted and trim dyed ends
  • Remember that I'm only 1 year into this journey and my hair will grow!
I'll choose a goal every week to really focus on. Even if I'm still APL at the end of the year, if my hair looks better, I'll be happy. Also, remind me to never ever ever dye my baby fine relaxed hair ever again. Ever.

xx Lam

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