hair salon
relaxer day
Swish and flick
Saturday, December 27, 2014
Today was relaxer day and it was definitely due. 25 weeks is no joke. I went to my usual salon and had a mostly positive experience. I like my usual stylist but she got some help to speed up the process (from someone who has also done my hair before) and I didn't appreciate all her input. Here are a couple of the best/worst bits.
Good things:
It's always good to be remembered! She remembered what I did last time and that I didn't like my hair to be processed all the way. she double checked that the time was 15 minutes with the relaxer on and whether she should smooth.
Not so good:
The relaxer definitely contacted previously relaxed parts of my hair and when it got smoothed... Probably only the last 2" of my hair were spared. I hope this doesn't cause a setback in the future. I also don't appreciate being told that I need to come in every 2 months (by the other stylist). That's way too short a time for me to have enough length to relax and also I definitely don't have £85 to spare every other month.
The good thing that I did is that I precoated my hair yesterday with my whipped Shea butter as well as protecting my scalp with it and Vaseline. I put Vaseline on my lengths and ends as well and I hope this protected my (dyed!!) ends from potential damage.
Next time I will make sure to tell my usual stylist that I do not want the relaxer to be smoothed that much. People will do things the way they want if you don't tell them otherwise.
Apart from all that, the texture is great. I need to make sure I prepare my hair in the same way next time and follow the same steps as I loved the result. I had my hair flat ironed though, so you'll need to wait til wash day to see!
I hate when hairdressers tell me that too, because two months if not enough time to avoid overlapping. But ur hair looks great! Can't wait too see ur length check
Yeah like I know my growth rate and two months is WAY too soon. Seems like only us healthy hair obsessives care though, ha
DeleteI just put up the first part of my length check post - not too happy but it's a journey, right?