ApHogee Two Step
Herbal Essences Masks
5 months (22 weeks) post!
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Shrinkage continues to be real. APL to CBL
Time has really flown by on this stretch. I made the decision to devote less attention to my hair as I transition, as honestly it was driving me crazy to think of hair as well as my degree. However, I'm 8 weeks away from the end of the academic year and my sanity is returning.
Look at my hair damp after washing with 5 months worth of new growth and 6 months of texlaxed hair! That bonelaxed stuff on the end is weak...
I've been using a tangle teezer dupe to brush my hair after finger detangling as tangles are getting strong. I'm still working out how best to use it, but I love it so far. Herbal Essences conditioners and masks continue to be my staples and I don't know what I would do without my Aphogee 2 step. I mix it into my moisturising conditioners instead of using it as a hard protein treatment and it does wonders to maintain my hair.
I trim my hair whenever I feel like it and it continues to bounce between APL and long shoulder length. I think at 8 months post I will get a professional trim and do a length check to see if I've eradicated my problem section or not. So that's where I'm at - low maintenace and following a LITHA (leave it the hell alone) ethos while still enjoying my hair.
xx Lam