Transitioning (11 weeks post)

So I've been doing a bit of soul searching... After I saw the chunk of hair missing in the middle of my head from two years ago -...

So I've been doing a bit of soul searching... After I saw the chunk of hair missing in the middle of my head from two years ago - I've realised that it's because I was very ill then and some of my hair fell out - was growing back but was so much shorter than the rest of my hair, I despaired. Was I destined to always be catching up to shorter bits of my hair?

So I cut a fringe (I think they're called bangs in other parts!) to make myself feel better and have been trimming my thin ends as I see fit since then and it definitely made me feel better. I've also been perfecting my regimen and tailoring it specifically to my hair's needs.

However, while straightening my hair, I noticed that the heat, while low, was causing the ends of my texlaxed hair in my fringe to permanently lose texture, demonstrating vividly how fragile my babyfine hair is. Also, the idea of trying to perfect my texlaxed texture and growing all that out is just ughhh (I looove the texture though, don't get me wrong). 

After a conversation with my younger cousin where we were both talking about how we couldn't see ourselves in the future still battling with processed hair, something in me clicked. Enough's enough. I relaxed my hair on December 27th 2014 and if all goes to plan then that'll be the last time. Ready to take this plunge!

Thanks to everyone who has showed me that it's nothing to be scared of and I can definitely take my time with trimming. And here's the look I'm rocking right now that will hopefully hide some texture differences as my hair grows:

xx Lam

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  1. Congrats on your decision to transition chica! I'm so excited to read more about your NEW NEW journey! (<3 the bangs/fringe by the way!)

    KLP @ SavingOurStrands
